regal presence

regal presence

ferruginous hawk
three forks
(click on image for larger size)
location: owyhee canyonlands

season: spring

backstory: raptors have a presence unlike many other wildlife i've seen in the high desert. we can see it in the eyes.  they are alert, constantly scanning and aware of a large area around them. their clarity and distance of vision is outstanding.

this photo is one of several of a ferruginous hawk; see  taking wing & raptor's cry. each of these photos reflects an aspect of this powerful bird's personality.

in the moment, it seemed as if this hawk was posing, much like a royal prince would for a portrait. it felt regal, fully aware of it's strength and power within the realm. there is little that it misses with that powerful gaze. it is a confident and self assured being that knows it's place in nature.
ps - after writing this, i learned that the latin name is buteo regalis - royal hawk.


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