road's end

road's end logan valley (click on image for larger size) location: strawberry mountain wilderness season: late winter backstory: at 9,000 feet elevation, strawberry mountain is the center point for the local mountain ranges. it is a favorite subject for photographers, mainly from the north side. this scene is from the south side. venturing off the two main highways here (26 & 395) takes us onto county and forest service roads into logan valley. a smaller forest service road (1640) heads north up to the wilderness border: road's end . this is one of my favorite cross country ski routes. it is 12 miles from forest service 16 rd to road's end with a 3000' elevation climb. lots of switchbacks. it's a lot of work skiing up; quite fast on the return trip. while skiing, i sometimes think about hitching a ride with passing snowmobiles to the top. the opportunity never arose until this day. the late winter snow wasn't great and after 4 miles i decided to turn b...